Almost fourteen years ago the scripture Isaiah 40:31 became a very prominent scripture in my life. As we were going through the loss of Liz, God whispered to my heart and even allowed me the experience of knowing what it feels like to ride on the wings of an eagle. You will need to buy my book in February to fully understand what my experience was. Then this past summer and fall as my coauthor, Mike, and I were doing our best to complete the book the scripture truly came to life again. As I drove to Dover I was praying and asking God to allow me to see the eagles that have been spotted in our area. I prayed this several times over the last couple of years, but I seemed to have a little extra fervor in this prayer.
As I drove down the interstate thinking about what needed to be worked on, something caught my eye. I looked up and immediately saw the bald eagle soaring overhead. I was elated! I could hardly wait to tell Mike, since he knows about my desire to see one. I continued to go over the scripture Isaiah 40:31 in my mind. Over and over again. A few days later I saw the eagle again, and then a third time in as many weeks. Each time I shared with Mike, and my husband, Jeff and son, Christopher. I was just so encouraged.
As I read some things I get in a daily email, and my daily devotional time, the Lord also spoke the words "Riding on the wings of the wind." Several times over the past couple of years this has come to mind, multiple times in fact. My friend Lisa Troyer is an amazing singer, and has several songs that have been recorded and has many CD's available. While praying for her, and her ministry the Lord impressed those very words on my heart for her. I would share them, and the scriptures that accompanied the words and prophetic words. They always spoke to my heart and I know they spoke to hers as well. About eighteen months ago I felt led to write a poem that could be lyrics if they were tweaked here and there.
Little did I realize that the Lord would repeat those very words along with the scripture Isaiah 40:31. Then on January 2, I was driving to the local office supply store. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked up. There perhaps twenty five yards away was a bald eagle. I watched and saw that it landed. As I came around the turn I could see the eagle had landed in a tree right on the banks of the river. And much to my surprise as I looked I saw not one but two eagles side by side on that branch. My heart soared. I knew then that God was telling me that is what He is speaking to me for 2014.
My year is going to be full. With the book coming out in February, and other things in the works I believe that God is truly going to to carry me through these next twelve months. God will give me the strength I need to get through everything. Who knows just what 2014 will hold for me? I am looking forward to finding out!