Wednesday, February 19, 2014


OK, after my whine in the previous post about time standing still....I got the formatted galleys today. I can only see one change that needs to be made, so it is pretty much a sure thing that I will have my book in my hand by March 5. Oh yeah!!!

I am majorly excited. Can you tell?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As time goes by

I need to hug a palm tree...
Last post I said time, I feel as though it is standing still. The formatting should be coming close to completion at the publisher, then a few days for any changes/corrections by us. I am finding that my stomach is a bit queasy, and patience is seriously lacking. I am nervous and anxious. I am struggling with not having an exact release date because of marketing things needing to be done.
It seems like I am facing spiritual attacks from every direction, and physical issues are marching to their own drums. This LOUSY weather isn't a lot of help. The snow we have had this year lost it's luster right after Christmas. It's so not my thing. Give me warmth, palm trees and ocean breezes. Of course in Ohio that isn't among the options.
I am in a mentoring group for authors/speakers that Julie Gorman is leading. She has some amazing understanding about what she is speaking about. Our mentoring calls on Monday evenings are chuck full of great things. Although I must say that with all that is happening in my life right now, I am struggling to make sense of certain things. I seem to have left my brain cells in a different state. (State of confusion I think)
Last week we were supposed to have our homework done and ready to share with the rest of the group. I spent hours on mine and could not get it to say what was in my heart. So, in my frustration, I tend to make a joke out of things and here is what I am going to submit to Julie: 
I exist to:
Warm the end of the love seat? While I do that very well, it is not what God created me to exist for. My physical ailments have caused me to slow down and to actually stop doing MANY of the things I loved to do. God said to me on multiple occasions to STOP. To REST, and to LISTEN. That doesn’t mean to be lazy, it means to rest in Him and wait for His timing and lead.
Tag Line?
Get up and get moving-Tag you’re it 
To any and every slug, worm, ant, and child of God. 
By opening my mouth at every opportunity God provides. Not to complain (it happens even when I don’t want it to) but to share the goodness, love and forgiveness of God. (OK, so this one is more serious, yes I do have a plan...sort of.)
Constantly and consistently. At every open door, and to take the opportunity to knock on a few doors to see if someone will answer.
Replenishment cycle: 
I find myself feeling replenished or perhaps it is feeling fulfilled when I am serving. Spending time with my friends and loved ones. (A nap is also a seriously great thing too.) 

I am thinking this looks more like a plan for my other book. Hot Flashes with a Side of Garlic Bread.
I guess if I make a joke out of everything it makes my mood a little bit lighter. (:p)
I am going to be getting a few things today to make some of the table favor's for Jordan and Brittany's wedding. I am not going to say what it is, so in case you will be at the wedding you will be surprised. 
OK, enough ranting and complaining. At least I have occupied my thoughts for a few minutes, and posted something to entertain myself and the one other person that reads my blog.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Time Flies!

I can barely get a grip that it is February 2014. I feel like I must have missed a year or two somewhere along the line. Time just flies. I know our days must not have a full twenty-four hours in them, because all I do is blink, and it's another day.

I wish I could report that everything is on track for my book, but it seems that the hours that have disappeared have taken a lot of things with them. Like all of the tracking changes I made to the completed and edited manuscript. I have uploaded, and uploaded and uploaded to the publisher's website, and even after I have turned in the corrections they claim I have not completed them. I feel like such a putz. Today, I went back through. My files show they are done, accepted...markups are turned off. Arrrgh.

I need that extra measure of grace because mine has certainly flown away with the hours of the day.

As far as I know, my book is supposed to be done.

We will see.

Now, I must look for a part time job. I need to contribute to our retirement. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I wish I had more abilities, was trained in more things. I wish more than anything my physical body would cooperate. Seems I just don't have the capacity to stand, or be on my feet for hours like I used to. The fibro has simply stolen my energy.

So, if anyone has knowledge of a job opening for a 54 year old (I had a birthday since my last post) woman with a whiney disposition, and no energy please let me know.

Keep praying, keep watching and one of these days, there may be a wonderful announcement that you can actually buy my book...