Micah will only be home till Tuesday (today) and then he's going back to VA. he has to get back to work. It's been nice as I said before.
We got Jeff a new gas grill for Father's day. Chris picked it up and assembled it last night. It's pretty nice. Can't wait to use it.
Writing is going pretty well. I was editing some things yesterday. I sent one article out to some of you to critique, so please let me know what you think. I may have located another editor too. We'll see. Sometimes it amazes me at how God orchestrates things. I had someone leave a message on one of my many comment spots. I think I have four things where you can do that now... Anyway this person's wife may be willing to give me a hand. I am praying, but I surely want God's perfect will in this.
I spent several hours working on re-writes yesterday. I have cut down one article by almost 800 words. That was really hard, because I liked the story the way it was, but at 3533 words that is just to long for any periodical. So... back to the chopping today. Please be praying.
What I really need is to finish my manuscript. I need a powerful anointing to finish that. I am supposed to have it to one of the publishers in the next 3 weeks....I really need prayer for that one.
I am still gathering information about a women's conference. I think maybe it will be in the fall like October maybe. We'll see. If God wants this to be it will be. I am excited, I just need to meet with the right people, to get the right information. Prayer, prayer and then a little more prayer.
Our small group got together last week and we made up baskets to take to the homeless shelter. I found out yesterday that we have more money available to our group, so look out Dollar Tree here we come! It has been a lot of fun to get this stuff and put it together. It makes you feel like you are doing something worthwhile. I can't wait to deliver all of this stuff. We are going to have a cook out at the shelter with all of the residents too. How fun will that be! The Big Give at NewPointe has been a real powerful motivator for our small group.
I could sit here all day and blog till my hearts content, but I do have other things that must get done. I need to get moving!
Thanks. Im Inspired again.
It was good to see you on Sunday. We are back in town, believe it or not, this weekend and I hope we see eachother again.
I'm praying for you about the writing. Keep pursuing it all. I believe God will continue to open doors for you in this area.
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