I don't love rain...
and I hate snow!
I vote for some lovely spring weather. It is so nice to see buds on the trees

I'll need to move them out of the way so Micah won't trip on them when and if he comes home this Sunday night.
I do love having my boys home for Easter weekend. I'm liking that a lot!!!!!!!
We may not be sporting new Easter clothes this weekend, but we'll be decked out in smiles and praising God! I am so grateful for what Jesus did for all of us! It overwhelms me with gratitude to know that Jesus died for my sins and that because of that I can have a personal relationship with him, and plan my eternity in heaven! Woo-hoo! I'm looking up, looking forward and expecting amazing things there.
I will be working on my own tomorrow, no Leigh Ann for support... pray for me! I do like working at SpringHaven. I'm just a bit hesitant about being on my own. I'll be OK I'm sure.
Here is a copy of the flier for the ladies retreat at Jerusalem Church. Yes, I am boldly going to advertise! Hope to see lots of you ladies there.

Wow NewPointe Community Church is now going to have three, yes 3 services every Sunday! The times are 9:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:50 pm. We are out of room believe it or not!
We've been in our new building for almost 2-1/2 years and we are out of room. We were seating about 1400 per service, we've already added more chairs and attendance has been over 3000 for the past several weeks. WOW! So, if you're thinking about trying to attend a NewPointe service, I'd go to the 12:50 pm service. All the services will be identical, so you won't miss anything. Plus, you'll get to sleep in later before you go to church! Pretty great huh? AND YES I AM SHAMELESSLY PROMOTING THIS TOO!
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. Spend it with family, friends and most importantly spend it with Jesus as you worship at church!
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