Thanks for every one's prayers. The Write His Answer seminar that I hosted this past weekend went very well. We had 19 in attendance. Here are a couple of pictures. Marlene Bagnull was great. Such a wealth of information she has to share with all of us.
This group was VERY QUIET! I think that most of us were fearful. I know that the first seminar that I went to 15 months ago I felt that way too. You want to know if what you are writing i

good. Marlene has been in the writing field for over 35 years,
so when you get her feedback and it is positive it really gives you
peace in your heart, and the desire to step out and do some more writing. If she says it stinks (which she did not say once) then you go back to the beginning and START OVER.
I felt very good having brought Marlene here. Thank you Marlene for sharing your expertise with all of us.
We even had two ladies drive all the way from Wisconsin just for this seminar!

Thanks Dana and Monica I am so glad you chose to come!!!!!
We did have a group of very interesting people and an even more interesting group of stories that Marlene read a portion of. Is is not interesting to see how people think? We all had different ideas of what to write about. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
I also had some amazing help from some amazing friends. Thanks to
Sherry, Linda, Mike and Denise for helping me with the food and books. Thanks Anita for arranging for the room and for loaning
me your screen. Thanks Jean for helping me set up the

tables and chairs and tablecloths. Also for offering any other things
needed for this activity. Thanks Mabel for being ever watchful and helping people into the building and directing them to to the
room where they needed to go. Thanks Jerry for the tables and
everything else needed.
Thanks to Jeff most of all for putting up with me and my stuff. I know that you fully support me in my writing, and I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Now, I am moving on with things. Mike and I have a couple of meetings for interviews this week. It will be nice to see these folks again. It has been a long time for a couple of them. One I do not think I ever met before. It will add yet another dimension to Through My Tears.
Today I get to welcome Jordan home for a few days. I have hardly seen him since Easter. I am looking forward to his visit. Micah will be home Thursday I think. It has been since Easter since I have seen him too! Yay...my guys will all be here for a few days. I am so proud of all of them, but I really do miss them.
Well, I have already scrubbed the kitchen floor again, swept the living room, and dining room, I have clean sheets to put on beds and now I need to go to the grocery to pick up a few of their favorites!
Thanks again for all of the prayers for this past weekend. God was certainly there, and the grace needed flowed without question. Hallelujah!
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