Thursday, March 11, 2010

God is on the move

Isn't it amazing just what we can do when we have encouragement? I have felt that way for the past few weeks, and it is continuing. I am seeing some connections for possible literary agents, and that will hopefully bring connections for possible publishers. I have been listening to CD's that I purchased last May at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. Classes that I was not able to attend because I was in other wonderful classes. Such wonderful, helpful lessons learned, at this amazing conference. If you are interested, click on the link above for more information!

Gleaning...yes, going back through a harvested field to collect what remains. That is what I have done these past few days. Have I learned anything? Oh my yes! I don't think you ever stop learning. I don't think you will ever be so smart that you have nothing more to learn. At all of the writing seminars and conferences they teach you to perfect your craft! I do not think I will ever perfect it, but what I have learned is absolutely priceless.

I am seeing God move in so many areas in my life, and as much as I am seeing good things, I am also seeing things that are not as good. Some for my refinement, some just to wear me down to make me weak in a "spiritual attack." I would appreciate any and all prayers as I fight for my health, my hope. This has been a long arduous journey, and emotions are so very close to the surface.

I may be getting closer in my search for a literary agent. God has brought two possible candidates into my path in the last several days. I have been working on book proposals, query letters, outlines, and refinement of chapters. Please continue to lift up Through My Tears to the Lord asking Him to help us get it completed.

I have another offer to write. It is a Bible Study on grief and loss to be published. Again I would appreciate prayers for wisdom on this front too.

I will be working diligently, but will try to stop by to visit with you occasionally. Please leave me a message so that I know you stopped by! I rarely hear from my readers, but I would love to!


Tina said...

This is so exciting to watch.
Never stop learning.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

This is very exciting. God works so wonderfully with us.

Keep up the good work.


Emily said...

:) Just so you know, I check up on this blog every day. I have the tendency to stalk the people I love. :-p I miss you dearly and I am so happy to read that God is working in your life in huge ways, that you are still learning, struggling, hoping..all of that good stuff that comes with walking with the Lord!

I am praying for you and all your writing projects- as well as many other things. :) LOVE!