Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Birthday

Oh joy, ecstasy and delight... two of my three boys came home today to surprise me for my birthday. Surprise me they did! It certainly made my day (rather evening). Jeff and I went to get a movie and to pick up Chinese from Main Moon. I asked Jeff if he'd mind if I just waited in the car while he got the food. He got a funny look on his face and said he had a birthday gift for me and reached behind the seat and pulled a bag out, it was a digital picture frame. Cool!!!! I had hoped that I'd get one for Christmas, so I was surprised. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye outside my car window, turned around and my babies were right in front of me!!!!!!!! I was so excited. Then while we were in picking up the food Micah called me to say Happy Birthday too. My day was pretty special.

I had the opportunity to do some reading from a book that a friend gave to me, (and Ifinished it too), then I got a visit from my friend Mary. We talked for like two hours, then I read a little more (I love to read). Jeff came home and practically insisted that we go out and do something. I am such a putz! I had no clue that I was going to get such a cool gift! Then I had another friend surprise me. Jean (queenie) as she is known to some of us, stopped to bring me a card and some cookies. I felt so special so thanks to all of you! I guess I don't mind turning 48 today as much as I thought I would.

I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat at the moment, my heart is so full, and so is my tummy. I had General Tso's Ummmmmm!


Sue K. said...

Happy Birthday Friend!!!!

Mom said...

Happy Birthday (late), Becki! Sounds like you had a great one!