Well, my books/DVD curriculum finally arrived!!!!!!!!! Yippee. I am now officially a student (unlike six weeks ago as I originally thought) I think I'll attempt to begin tomorrow. I am pretty excited. I hope I have enough brain cells left to pass this course with flying colors! Since I was unsuccessful in my attempt at finding my official college transcripts thanks in part to the good ole IRS, I will be doing this from the beginning I guess. It doesn't matter. I am finally going to FINISH my education one way or another.
I also will be attending the writer's conference out at the Carlisle Inn next month, in the hope of learning more information to get my book published, so I am really excited. I just hope that I am able to get answers to the questions that I have and get the encouragement that I need to continue. I did meet the Author of the book "Double Honor" a couple of weeks ago and she encouraged me to attend this seminar, and I am hoping that she may also be able to give me a few suggestions.
I am having a few friends over for lunch on Thursday, and then some other people that I have not met yet over on Friday night along with a couple that we do know well. So, I will be doing some cooking this week, and making some new friends too. That is something that I have missed doing since we changed churches four years ago. We used to have people over a lot, and we simply stopped, more than likely out of laziness. It seems that when you get out of the habit, you tend to just not attempt to start over. Yep, it's laziness! Sorry Lord!
The snow we got today was cold, deep and wet, but at one point early this afternoon it was snowing flakes so large that I just had to try to capture them on my camera. Here are a couple of them It isn't a great way for you to see how large the flakes were but trust me some of them were
as large as
the palm of my hand

AMAZING! I am not a snow lover, but I had to admit that it was beautiful. We must have about 4 inches on the ground right now, and if the snow had remained snow rather than turning to rain this morning I am sure we would have about 6 to 8 inches.
Well, my college boys will have their Spring break next week. Jordan is coming home, but Chris is going on a kayaking trip in Florida with IWU students and a few staff members. I am looking forward to seeing at least one boy this weekend! Jordan will be home for a week, then go back for about two weeks, then come home again for Easter, then go back again until the end of April when school is over for this year! Wow has it gone incredibly fast. Jordan is going to look for a job at one of the hospitals around here. So if any of you have any suggestions let me know!
I certainly hope all of you bloggers update your blogs, I have confided in one of my friends that yes, I am a blog addict or junkie! So all of you (you know who you are UPDATE your blogs PLEASE)
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