This is going to be a great week! My boys from IWU are done for the year and will be returning home! Can't wait... except for the extra food, dishes, laundry... UGH! Oh well it is definitely worth having them home!
I am so excited about the Conference in Colorado. Only 23 more days until I leave. I hope I can get all of my "stuff" together to take with me. I have so much (I mean stuff for the publishers/editors etc...) I have to take samples of my writing, whew that stuff is gonna be heavy to carry!
Jeff and I are going to be visiting the Smokey Mountains in May. The boys gave us a gift certificate for Serenity Falls cabins for Christmas, so we will be there May 23, and 24. That is over the 8th Anniversary of losing Liz. Then we will drive over to Micah's in Leesburg early Sunday to attend church, and stay with him for Memorial Day. It'll be nice! Gee, I'll be in Colorado, Tennessee, and Virginia all in a weeks time! I feel so special! Considering most of the time I am a slug at home, just slowly meandering my way around here. Our boys will be holding down the fort, or rather farm while we're gone , that will be interesting.
God has given me so many opportunities, I feel as though I need to "walk in them".
It has been such a busy week for me, cleaning out my laundry room and part of the basement. Garbage galore! Yeah, it's gone!!!!!!!!!!! We had a blazing fire on Friday night to burn all of the personal information stuff, our shredder is broken, so we burned it to "smithereens" nothing left, even the ashes are gone! Now, I only need to wash bedspreads, blankets, and sheets and hang them on the clothes line, ummmm they smell so good after that. I want the house to be a haven for the boys to come home to, and for Jeff and I of course.
This blog doesn't have anything deep in it, but it is something to read, and something to write (practice, practice, practice)... It's a beautiful spring day and my Magnolia's are in full bloom, they smell heavenly! 

Soon, the Forsythia and Lilacs will be flowering. I
love spring again. For a while it didn't bring a lot of happy memories, but it makes me feel better to be surrounded by life, and not dull browns and grays.
I need to be able to breathe fresh air, open the windows and air out the winter blahs! It's such a nice refreshing thought.
I better get a move on, laundry to do, I need to go work out, and go grocery shopping. I am preparing dinner for our Pastor's family tonight. Please continue to pray for Marie Mason as she is approaching the end of her battle with cancer. Pray for her husband Jim as they have been together forever. He doesn't want to leave her for even a moment. Pray for their family members too. They have been so supportive, and a true testimony of God's grace. If you would like to see an update on Marie you can go to It amazes me all of the visitors that have signed onto the site. Wow so many people love and respect that family. I am one of them! We're praying for you Marie! And send our love.
I'm so proud of you losing all that weight. You go Girl!!! spring is my favorite time of year too. Every thing is so fresh, and green, not to hot, not to cold, I'm loving it. It won't be long I'll be planting posies. I've move around my perenials this past week. Have a great time with fam!
I just want to say that I'm happy that Spring is finally a happy time for you. I understand the circumstances of why it wasn't for a long time. I had similar thoughts years past. Anyway, I really am happy to see that you are happy with your life!!!
Ok, I need that weight loss help. I've been struggling to lose even a few pounds.
I miss my flower beds this year, but I will be getting some baskets to hang on my little porch this week. enjoyed your post.
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