What is the book about?
Knowing the Struggle is Over! by K.M. Johnson (Xlibris Corporation)
Frantically running towards the open doors of her life, instantly they slammed shut! Boldly marked with a going out of business sign and dead bolted closed. There it was, her life, vanishing immediately before her eyes.
After years of struggling and searching for an understanding of her life, K.M. Johnson found herself stumbling upon a spiritual journey revealing the true meaning of having faith in GOD. Knowing The Struggle Is Over takes the reader through a 3-step process in restoring their faith in GOD. This spiritual journey proves to the Christian believer that having faith in GOD is the only tool needed to overcome any struggle. Knowing The Struggle Is Over! discusses how different circumstances in life may lead to doubt, unbelief, and fear. Ms. Johnson shares her experience on how she learned to stop complaining, let go and let God, and finally acknowledge that GOD is truly in control.
Knowing The Struggle Is Over! incorporates several exercises that keep the reader fully interacted throughout their entire journey. The 3-step process may be shared with others an. Knowing The Struggle Is Over! addresses changes in today's world, the new religions that have transpired, and many of the tragedies we have encountered. The need for revisiting the foundation that Christianity is built, is fulfilled through scripture references, and comments on biblical passages profoundly embedded within each chapter. Knowing the struggle is over entails real-life applications in addition to practical messages. Whatever your situation or circumstance as you conquer this spiritual journey together with the author, you will find your pathway to Knowing The Struggle Is Over!
K. M. Johnson

About the Author:

K.M. Johnson is the CEO of Everything(s) Eventful, LLC and author of A Blog about God, by Trinite3. She graduated from Florida A&M University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in professional counseling. She travels extensively conducting inspiration and motivational seminars and workshops in the United States and across the globe. K. M. Johnson was born on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and currently resides in Houston, Texas.
She began her work in ministry after finding an understanding of what it meant to be saved. Her positive outlook in life throughout her struggles helped her to realize that her faith in God is what has continued to keep her and bring her through each and every situation she has faced. From once believing if she claimed to be “saved” she would have to be “like her mother”, to now knowing that everyone has their own spiritual journey in which they will travel, she has truly grown in her faith and transformed her faith walk into a faith strut!
K. M. ’s volunteer work includes yearly participation in Toys for Tots, Meals on Wheels, and active participation in various community events sponsored by her home churches as well as her local church.
She is continuing her work as a freelance writer, speaker, event planner, and Officer in the Army Reserves. As for other interests, K. M. enjoys singing, traveling, shopping, cooking/baking and interior decorating.
K.M., the title of your book is, Knowing The Struggle Is Over! which is very fitting for the current economic situation. I know some people may be wondering, though, what exactly is the struggle?
Honestly, I get that question often. The struggle is not your typical financial situation, or necessarily an addiction that I am speaking of. Though those are two great examples, a struggle is actually any situation, trial or tribulation you may find yourself in. When you find yourself in a struggle, it often means that you have come to a point where you must make a decision and ultimately a choice! I say this with the understanding that everything we do daily is a choice. Whether or not we say or do something is a decision that we as a person have consciously made on our own, regardless if it is wrong or right.
In your book you tell the reader that they can get through any struggle in just three steps! So what are these three steps?
The first step is to Stop Complaining. Now I must admit I did say you can get through your struggle in just three steps, but I never said it would be easy! ;) During this first step we are focusing on renewing our mind, and changing the way we view the things that are happening to us. Oftentimes, we become so caught up in the world around us that we forget about the God within us! The second step is to Let Go and Let God. For myself this was the hardest step. Mainly because I had NO idea what it meant to literally "Let Go and Let God!" Once I had an understanding, it became a natural sequence in restoring my faith in God in regards to my situation. The third step is to Acknowledge Him. Some may see that as easy and obvious, but how often do we "know" what to do and still we "don't" do it! You have to develop a major spirit of praise and give Him ALL of the glory for everything big and small. The noticeable things in our lives we always seem to give Him the glory, but God is truly in the details as well! When we begin to pay attention, and notice how He is moving and working in our lives, that is when we can truly praise Him! And a praise like that becomes a sincere and spirit filled praise! It's not forced, and you won't even have to second guess.
How did God lead you to writing this book?
It's funny and I talk about this at the beginning of my book, but at the beginning I received revelation on my drive home to Gulfport, Ms. from Houston, TX for Christmas. I was on I10 somewhere in Louisiana, and I began praying about my situation. As I finished praying, I remember thinking, "I should write a book." Now what is interesting is that not only did God impress upon me the strong desire to write a book, but He also gave me the title, and contents during that drive! By the time I had made it to my mother's house, I was so excited because I knew I was about to write this book called, "Knowing The Struggle Is Over" and I was going to have three steps that would help you accomplish just that! If I were a writer this wouldn't have sounded so crazy! ;) I never really had a true interest in writing an actual book before then. The only thing I had ever considered prior to that day was writing a children's fiction book, or maybe a few songs/poems. A non-fiction book? Absolutely NOT!
Why did you feel that it was so important to write a book about getting through a struggle?
At first I was excited because I had heard God! I mean, at the time I had been praying and constantly, but I that was the first time I could remember Him telling me to do something outside of my situation. This was around the time I began to understand "how" to be obedient. You see I also realized that what I was going through, and even what I had gone through in the past, was not for me alone, but to share with others. It's great to learn from your own mistakes, but it''s even better when you can learn from someone else's! I also realized that I wasn't in a bad place, I was just looking in the wrong place! In order to truly overcome my situations my faith had to be stronger. The bible tells us that every man is given a measure of faith, and in another scripture it tells us that all we have to have is faith the grain of a mustard seed, but I began to realize that it is easy to forget you even have that faith sometimes! So I had to find a way to get it back, each and every time, it started to look as if it wanted to disappear! Most of the time we stay in a situation because we don't know what choice or decision to make that will get us out!
Please share anything else that would help us understand the writing of your book and how it helps others.
I truly just would like for your readers to know that with everything you go through, God is preparing you for the next level He wants to take you to in life. Sometimes we think that we have a relationship and we know who God is, and we really don't. Just because you spent time with Him last week doesn't mean you can ignore Him this week. To better understand how He works and is working in our lives we have to continuously strive for a closer, more intimate relationship with Him daily! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, but that doesn't mean to put limits on Him, that just means to trust Him. If He did it before then surely He will do it again! We begin to lose faith because we aren't spending enough time getting to know Him. You get through your situations, by restoring your faith and developing a closer relationship with God. Everyone has an area in their relationship with God where their faith is not at the level it COULD be! If your faith is a 10 on a 1-10 scale, then strive for a 15. All this will do is help you see the other side much more clearer. Then you will find that when you are in your situation you have a confidence, and renewed peace, with an unimaginable strength to make it through!
How can readers get their hands on their own copy of this miraculous book to help them restore their faith in God?
There are several options. My book is available on both my blog: michelejenterprises.blogspot.com, and my author site: kmjohnson3stepstoknowing.com. You can also go to the ordering desk at your favorite local bookstore and have it within a few short days! It is also offered on various online stores. Regardless of how you get your copy, the most important thing is that you get your copy! This is a great way to revive your thinking and restore your faith!
PLEASE NOTE: A complimentary copy of this book was provided to the blog host by the author in exchange for posting this interview on their blog. Please visit Christian Speaker Services at www.ChristianSpeakerServices.com for more information about their blog tour management services.
1 comment:
Greetings! Thanks for posting the interview! Here is a link to the video trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JKG-Rsecfw
Stay Blessed!
~K.M. Johnson
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