Tuesday, October 16, 2007

One visit down...one to go

Well my mommy heart is singing and a little bit sad, but I am so glad I got to see my Micah. He left about 3:15 today, so he may be about half way back to Leesburg. I'm happy because I got to see him for about 43 hours, but I'm sad because before he left we had a little talk and he was kinda down. He said it's just hard going through this stage, moving more out, and going back to Virginia where he is alone. He's pretty lonely. He's dated only a couple of girls in the last four years, and he has nothing serious on the horizon (my words there). His heart has been broken, and he has made some tough choices in the past, which has led to pretty much nothing in the way of relationships for now.

Of course the "Mommy" wants to fix it, and find the woman for him and help him to live happily ever after, but I know that is not healthy. For either of us really. He has only been in Leesburg for four and a half months. I see huge growth in him and in his occupation (Worship Leader) his maturity level in both areas is definitely visible. I heard a recording of last Sunday's music, and I am thrilled to hear how his voice is much stronger, and even. It just blesses me to know that he is in such a position and that God is using him to be a blessing to many.

Please pray for all three of my boys as they are working towards their future. Jordan too has had his heart broken once again, he told me the other day that he's lost a lot of weight. He's 6'1" and weighs only 135 pounds. (I give my right thigh to weigh that). He is one of the perfectionist type personality. He expects everything he does to be exact, and right on, and he puts so much stress on himself. He is in his second year of nursing school, and has recently started having his clinicals. Today he had his third patient but I have yet to talk to him to see how it went. His first patient was terrific and very complimentary to him and about him. His second patient was in a lot of pain and pretty much inconsolable. That had him bothered because he wanted to make her feel better and he couldn't.

Chris is doing ok. Classes are tougher that he anticipated, but he is spending a lot of time with a tutor and with his mentor and seems to be benefiting from that. He is taking two math classes this semester, Calculus and Discrete Mathematics. He had pretty much no study habits things just came pretty easily to him in High School. He never really applied himself, yet he was still in National Honor Society. He was satisfied with doing well but didn't push himself to excel.
He went on his first real date a couple of weeks ago. He went out with his room mate's fiance's best friend. It was one of those things that he did because his room mate asked him to (from my understanding) he said the girl was really pretty but didn't believe the way we do. So, it was a one time thing. I suggested he pray for her, so who knows what the future might bring...

Less than 48 hours till I see my IWU boys! I'm pretty happy on that note. I still want to be needed as a mom, so it's gonna be nice to have them "need me" to fix some favorites, and just hug on them (when they let me) I won't totally suffocate them, I'll let them come up for air (now and then)! It's gonna be a quick visit, but I'm excited!

I booked my flight to Virginia this morning. I am looking forward to that trip. It will be a working trip because I will be sharing our story with the women's ministry. It is a blessing to be able to do that, but it takes much prayer to prepare and time to recover afterward. It is very draining and emotional, but God has given us an amazing story so as we are asked to share, we never turn down the opportunity. Please pray for me! Pray for Jeff too as he will be home ALONE for four days. That will be something he hasn't done for many years.

Well this is getting VERY long, so I think it's jammie time! The Indians game starts in 20 minutes! Don't want to miss that. GO TRIBE!


Sue K. said...

Becki with an I,
I know that bittersweet feeling of seeing the kids come and then seeing them go. It's SO hard. It's hard to find our place, when the kidders leave, in their life. I don't want the relationship to change, but when they marry, or just leave home, it's different from then on. They still love ya, but it's different some how. It sounds like they are all heading in good directions.

Tina said...

Hi, Just found your blog. It's so nice that I'll be able to check in on you. I miss seeing you.
Kids Kids. It's not easy being Mom.