The trip to Virginia was wonderful. I so enjoyed my time there. I loved spending time with Micah. It didn't seem like very long, but I'm sure he was ready to see me come home! I did clean for him though. I was a nervous wreck on Tuesday before I shared Tuesday night. I have to do something when I'm upset or mad. That's when I get a lot done at home.
There were about 70 women there for the meeting. Andrea told me that was the biggest group they've had (no pressure or anything). I am so grateful to the Lord that when I got up to share I had a total peace. Micah sang about four or five songs then he introduced me... I was so proud of him! He's such a blessing. All of my boys are blessings by the way!
I went over my allotted time by about 10 minutes. I don't remember all of what I shared, but I do remember what I didn't share. I was so upset by the time I left the church, I wanted to cry. I am not sure why the Lord didn't have me share certain things, but I prayed for weeks before, and I know that something I shared was for someone! Thank you to all of you for praying! I was encouraged by one of the pastor's wives not to second guess myself, so Jane, I am attempting to get over it! What a gracious group of ladies I met. I so enjoyed that!
I also had the opportunity to fellowship with Pastor Gary and his wife Terry, and their boys. We went out for dinner after church on Sunday, then back to their home for coffee and dessert. They asked me to share our testimony with them because Terry had never heard all of it and she would not be able to be there on Tuesday. I completely lost track of time then. They had to go to their youngest son's awards ceremony for football. I made poor Terry cry and then she had to leave for the awards. Sorry Terry!
On Monday night we went to dinner with Pastor Kelley and Jane his wife and daughter Kelly Renee. We sat and talked after our meal for a long time! Thanks again!
I am so blessed to get the opportunity to meet those that Micah works with. Pastor Gary and Pastor Kelley, and their families. What a wonderful group of pastors! I also met several of the other ladies that work at the church. Thanks to all of you for making my visit so special. I'm enjoying the bag of "goodies" you gave to me. I feel very blessed to know all of you!
Micah and I had a good time at the Washington Monument. It certainly gives you a new perspective, and a lot of appreciation for our country! Thanks for getting the tickets Mic!
The White House
Flags around Washington Monument

The Jefferson Memorial
I am looking forward to having the family home for the holidays, all of the boys come home on Tuesday, then we'll have Thanksgiving at Jeff's Mother's at noon and then at my sister, Suzanne's, at 6 p.m.
There is always so much food it is such a shame not to be able to share it with more people than just the family. We are truly a blessed nation that we can even celebrate Thanksgiving, but it has turned very much into such a dreadfully over indulgent thing it is a shame. I have been looking at how I celebrate, and how I feel about things. This morning pastor Dwight had a message that really challenged me again. I have been thinking about Christmas, and the gifts and how I don't NEED anything. I even have trouble coming up with ideas if things I want. What does that tell you? We have MORE than necessary, more than any other nation on this earth. We have become a nation of hoarders. It has taken our minds off of the true meaning of Christmas, and we have made it such a commercial thing.... God forgive us! I have decided that I want to make a difference in someone else's life this year! I'm praying about just what the Lord would have me to do. Thanks for the challenge Dwight!
I just spent a few moments reading through your posts. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself in such an honest way.
Becki! Don't second-guess yourself! You said exactly what God wanted you to say. (I'm a fine one to talk because I second-guess myself all the time, but I know that I shouldn't.) You are an amazing woman, with an amazing story, and I know that God is going to continue to use you to minister to others. This is only the beginning. Your heart is so willing! I am looking foward to seeing how God will use you. Even now, I am still in awe at how your family made an immediate choice to forgive. That one thing has stuck with me ever since I heard Micah's testimony the first time. That choice speaks volumes to me about the character of your family. We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner conversation and really appreciate your honesty and willingness to open up. Our family is all about being "real" and I really felt that you were "real." I am looking forward to the next time you are in town and hope we can get together for coffee (I'm learning to like it). I was serious about having your family over. We would love to get to know them. From the Schroders to the Reisers--If you read this before Thanksgiving, I hope it is full of God's blessings.
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