I find it hard to believe I am actually in Colorado! So far the conference has been great. I am sort of playing hooky at the moment....oops!
Actually I needed some down time, and they encourage you to take the time if you need to. So I am doing it with permission. I have heard so much good stuff I am on overload. I need to gather the troops to re-group so to say.
So far, I have had appointments with one author, one publisher, one editor, and two agents! I feel good about the positive comments,but no one is saying they will tak

Here are pictures I took just about a minute ago looking out of my window in my room. They are a bit "funky" since I had a screen on the window that is not removable. Yes that is snow that you see! I am in utter astonishment at the work of

God just outside my window. Isn't God amazing?
I have been having sleep issues. I have found that there is a new syndrome that I suffer from...mountain buggers, and dry mouth. I know go ahead and laugh. But last night when I woke up for the second time having a panic attack because I couldn't breathe it wasn't funny at all!
I guess I can overlook the issues just to be able to see the grandeur all around me!
I will ask you to continue to pray for me. I want God's perfect will in all of this. I know it is sometimes a fight between God and Becki, but in the end, I want God to be the victor!
In the meantime, I have another continuing session I have to go to at 5:00 with Virelle Kidder.

WOW, what an awesome lady!
I am really enjoying her class. I love to listen to her talk, and sometimes find myself scrambling to take notes because I am so involved in listening.
Any way, I will try one more time to blog while I am here I'll include more pictures too!
Great! Soak it all in. The sites, the sounds, the knowlege, the guidance, and keep lots of tissues handy to battle the mountain buggers. 8-)
Tell Virelle that I'm happy to see that she has chosen to wear her red glasses!! Don't you just love them - and her. : )
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