- Bags packed
- Laundry (in process)
- House straightened
- Computer battery charged
- copied e-mail list
- bought flash drive(and filled it)
- camera battery charged
- phone charged
- groceries purchased
- Made copies of all the stories, proposals, and my manuscript.
- list done for Jeff (he'll be thrilled)

I am so psyched!!
I am also thrilled because I received beautiful roses from Micah for Mommies day, a wonderful phone call from my youngest son, Chris and he said "thanks for being the best Mom ever!"
E-mails from Jordan, spent time with family and just had a great day.
The evening before... Saturday.We went to a wedding. The daughter of very good friends, who just happened to be friends with Liz. Matter of fact she and Liz were the same age. What a beautiful event it was! A true class act!

Linda (the brides mom) is also in our small group, she is so special and is so very thoughtful. After the wedding as we went through the receiving line, we were talking and she informed me that she had something "special" at my plate at the reception. When we got there this is what I found: She was very teary eyed as she told me that.
The fragrance of the tea rose and the lilies of the valley are so sweet.
God certainly has ways of making me feel so very loved and cared for!
We are certainly blessed by all of our friends. Mother's Day is always a bit rough, but this year so many of our friends helped to make it special. With love and hugs, and special facebook messages and fb flowers and cards too.
Thanks to all of you that care so much! We feel so loved!
Thank you for all of your prayers and the phone calls since my last post!
I will not be blogging until I get to Colorado. Keep praying! I'll keep you all posted as to the progress I am making at the conference.
1 comment:
Enjoy the conference and you are truly loved by many. What sweet floral gestures
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